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Thursday, September 13, 2007

Social media and ad models

MySpace model: Brands become part of the MySpace community by establishing pages and offering video content, music files, digital postcards, wallpaper and other products to MySpace community members, who may use these digital products on their own pages. Also, eight-second pre-roll ads run before Minisodes, a venture between Sony and advertiser Honda Fit.

YouTube model: Brands upload video footage or offer footage at microsites, hoping it will go viral and be used in mashups and remixes created by fans (or evangelists) of the brand. (Gears of War example, with more than 5 million viewings and 700 different mashups) ("Spoiled Rich Girl" example, for Dominoes Pizza) (Samsung, from Viral Factory) (Ravenstoke "documentary" for Axe)

Most of the above were seeded at microsites (like or like this one, from Axe:
(A campaign for Unilever’s Axe body spray and deodorant launched in spring of 2007 used a microsite, or a small product-based web site, to offer downloads of its Bom Chicka Wah Wah commercials, ringtones, and theme song.)

Old media model in digital media: Brands pay creators of popular online videos to include their products. (LonelyGirl15 episode from summer 2007 and Neutrogena)

Here's the twist: (Neutrogena's official site plays along)

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